Simple, straight forward pricing.



For projects at the write-up stage

  • Two video conference calls
  • Full manuscript plan
  • Pre-submission review & editing
  • Data analytics consult
  • Pre-submission code review
  • Journal revision guidance



Basic package + data analytics

  • Three video conference calls
  • Full manuscript plan
  • Pre-submission review & editing
  • Data analytics consult
  • Pre-submission code review
  • Journal revision guidance



Comprehensive guidance

  • Unlimited conference calls*
  • Full manuscript plan
  • Ongoing review & editing
  • Data analytics consult
  • Pre-submission code review
  • Journal revision guidance

* Subject to availability

Your hard work. In trusted hands.

Julia S.

Postdoctoral Researcher


"Matt is an incredibly talented writer and academic coach. His approach to writing papers is effective, fast and stress-free. I can't recommend him enough!"

Holly B.

PhD Candidate


"Working with Matt was a breeze. He makes the daunting task of writing up a manuscript manageable by breaking it down into structured chunks. I wish someone had taught me these skills earlier!"

Michael N.

Senior Scientist


"Even established scientists struggle to keep up with the latest computational techniques. Matt is our go-to source for data analytics and visualization. Turn around is fast and the visual elements are stunning!"

Susan W.

Research Associate


"An absolute life-saver for meeting our project deadline on time. Highly recommended!"

Kevin G.

Master Student


"I work in a large lab group and time with our PI is limited. Working with Matt gave me the skills and confidence to draft up my first manuscript, which was highly-praised by my supervisors!"

John W.

Associate Professor


"Matt helps us streamline project write-up so that we can spend less time in Google Docs and more time doing science. It's a no-brainer, really."

Got questions? We've got answers.

Do I have to credit you as a co-author on my paper?
In short: no.

Author crediting is entirely at the discretion of you and your senior co-authors. Sharing your experience with friends and colleagues, or in the form of a review on our website, is payment enough. That said, should you feel that co-authorship is justified or warranted based on the level of involvement, this will be accepted gratefully.
What makes your approach to writing papers so unique?
Most people write papers in the order they are read. They start with an introduction and then try to write what they did, what they found, and what it means. The problem is that at some point this approach comes to a halt and there's no clear answer on what to do next.

I approach the problem differently. I begin with figures. I develop what I call the 'manuscript skeleton' in advance that enables the author to simply fill in the blanks. The benefit to this method is that the author is never in doubt on how to move forward. My system provides a roadmap that authors can navigate and use to re-orient themselves when things slow down. I used this exact system to publish 15 papers out of my PhD and I would love to empower you to do the same.
Why should I choose this service over other editorial services?
Major publishing houses primarily offer English editing services for researchers for whom English is not their first language. Scientific editing can cost upward of 1500 USD - and that's not including other things that submitting authors needs like figure formatting, journal targetting, data analytics, and on-going support until publication.

Our service is all-inclusive, covering all the things lead authors need to get their hard work published in the best journal possible. Our aid extends beyond submission and makes sure your work doesn't just make it review, but receives the best possible chance of passing review and being published in your target journal.
I'm unable to pay with credit card. Are other payment options available?

We underderstand that utilizing research funds can be tedious and vary across institutions. If your situation requires you to pay research related costs up front and submit for reimbursement at a later date, we can facilitate that. If you would prefer to receive an invoice that can be debited directly from your research account, this can also be arranged. Kindly shoot us an E-mail with your chosen service and we will strive to satisfy your individual needs.
My project involves numerous co-authors. How can I integrate your aid with theirs?
Sending your hard to work to co-authors too early is one of the most common mistakes I see early career researchers making. Having the input of the working group may sound like a good idea but the reality is that it slows progress and simply leads to more confusion and frustration for you (I'm sure you have expierenced the hornet's nest of contradicting comments litering your first draft). To make matters worse, co-authors often disagree on how the paper should be structured and end up arguing amongst themselves, leaving you in the cross-fire and unsure how to move forward without conflict.

Following our first meeting, you will have a clear and concise manuscript plan that outlines exactly how the paper will be structured; from abstract to appendix. You can then take this to your co-authors for approval before writing your first draft. In this way, you take the initiative to make sure everyone is on the same page beforehand, avoiding conlfict and streamlining your workflow. Co-authors can then give their input on a pre-submission draft, resulting in fewer rounds of revision and therefore less work for you.
I'm in search of an academic mentor generally. Do you offer a non-editorial mentoring service?
We understand that academia can be a long and arduous journey. New researchers often receive little guidance or formal training when it comes to scientific writing or indeed other skills that are essential to navigate the academic landscape effectively. Worse still, many are often (unfortunately and unprofessionally) neglected by their supervisors.

Whether it's writing, statistical analysis, interacting with supervisors, balancing work & leisure, publishing tactics, project management, or all of the above, we're here to help. Simply get in touch via E-mail and we will cook up a custom mentoring package tailored to your needs, with regular check-ins.

Rest assured that, should your mentoring needs derive from poor supervion, your service will be handled with the utmost discretion.

Still unsure?

Book a free consultation call today!